Sunday, June 19, 2005

Day three of horrible stomach flu. Fortunately my fever appears to be gone now. Even more fortunately, Joe's been here to entertain Adam and Zoe's dogs.
I'm pretty sure that the people across the street from Adam and Zoe are drug dealers. There's at least one person on the porch there 24/7 and they don't let anyone park in front of their house. Oh, and they look like gangsta's.
Don't tell my cats but Voodoo, one of Adam and Zoe's cats, is the most gorgeous cat I know. He has a beautiful face and this great pastel coloring of pale orange with light sage green eyes. He is also a lover. Ivan, the feline recluse, has been letting me pet him a bit. Hunter is psychotic kitten, constantantly attacking limbs and thinking she's a dog. The dogs ADORE her.
Joe brought me a change of clothes today, so I can shower and burn this hideous dress. As nice as their house and pets are, I can't wait to go back to our shithole and hoodlums. If for no other reason than to get some packing done for the new place.
I will miss the satelite TV, though.

James, if you're reading this please leave a comment. Spike took the link to your blog down and, like the idiot I am, I didn't bookmark it!


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