Effing morons shouldn't be allowed to even have pets!

I've lost all patience with some of the people in these cat groups who seem to think that asking a group of non-veterinary professional strangers about their cats' symptoms is preferable to taking them to the vet.
Some examples of the idiocy:
My cat has blood in his urine, what should I do?
My cat is listless and refuses to eat, what should I do?
My cat has pus in her eyes and is having difficulty breathing, what should I do?
I ran my cat over with my bike last night (this one's from today) and I'm worried I might have hurt him, what should I do?
Every time I suggest that asking veterinary advice on a livejournal message board instead of taking the cat to a vet is not the best way to go about taking care of a possibly seriously ill animal, these jackholes act like I just attacked them personally!
Well, I'm done being polite with them. They're idiots who would not only not be allowed to care for an animal, they should be sterilized so as not to spread their dangerous stupidity to a new generation!
The one and only thing I like about being pregnant is having the Goo kick and move around in there. It is a feeling unlike anything I've ever experienced and that I can't even begin to describe.
I only wish it wouldn't stop moving every time Joe tries to give it a feel!
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