Talk about neglected blog!
Persephone was born on November 17 by emergency c-section. Her umbilical had seperated from the placenta, causing her to bleed out AND aspirate all of her blood. She had no heartbeat or respiration for ten minutes.The doctors didn't think she'd make it. Then, after she DID make it, they thought she'd be a vegetable. Then, after she wasn't a vegetable, they thought she'd have serious problems. Then, after she recovered COMPLETELY and CAME HOME, they all started calling her very very lucky.
She seems to be perfectly normal, developmentall though we won't know for sure until she's six months old, or so her neurologist keeps saying. Her cardiac specialist and respritory specialist are amazed by how healthy she is and her neonatologist is proud. Her pediatrician thinks the circumstances of her birth must have been exagerrated, she's doing so well!
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