Random thoughts

Everyone has the same rights everywhere in the world. Most people operate under the misconception that governments grant rights. They don't. A responsible government's only function is to protect the rights we all have at birth. An irresponsible government violates those rights. Read the Bill of Rights. It doesn't say "we're giving you these rights." It says "these rights won't be infringed upon."
So when people say that they're fighting for their right to marry, keep their earnings, have an abortion or carry a gun, they're missing the point. They already have all of those rights. What they're doing is fighting to keep the government from infringing upon them or, ideally, to have the government perform it's function and protect them from being violated.
It doesn't matter if you live in Saudi Arabia, the United States or Cuba, everybody has the right to live however they want. We all have the right to do what we want, as long as it doesn't involve infringing upon the rights of others. The only difference between these places is the degree to which these rights are protected.
Since having Persephone I've gone from not being able to read about or watch portrayals of animal death and cruelty to not being able to watch anything about suffering children or animals. Being a mother has turned me into a pussy.
Even though the brother thing complicates matters, I'm hoping to get some, if not all, of the back child support that's going to be taken out of Bill's pay, so I can put it away toward rebuilding my house.
It's also good to know where he is so I can contest his will once he's dead. The man has money and I will get half of it when he's dead dead dead.
How do stories with obvious typos get published?
Drug and prostitution laws don't just make victims (and criminals) out of those involved but also all of society with the violence, theft and disease that goes along with black market economies.
I've gotten to be friends with several people I used to not get along with. All because of the internet.
ex-boyfriends contacted me after Katrina, to make sure I'd survived. My own father did not.
If Joe doesn't get the job he's interviewing for tomorrow, I will be very upset.
I need a legal copy of Photoshop CS .
It seems like just about everyone I know is in a state of crisis right now.
If Joe gets the job he's interviewing for tomorrow, I will be very upset.
I haven't felt like myself since Butch died my hair brown.
I really want to designe some things for Poppy's Cafe Press shops (she needs the money coming in almost as much as I do) but can't seem to find the energy to get started.
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