We have all survived Persephone's first birthday weekend!

On Friday (her actual birthday), we took her to Build-a-Bear in the mall for her first annual birthday bear. She was pretty into it right up until the stuffing machine, where the noise combined with her tiredness to give her a moment of freaked-outedness. She calmed down pretty fast but was disinterested for the rest of the process so we had to pick out the bear's outfit ourselves (red hat and dress).
By the time we got to Macy's she was out so we snuck over to the spa and had my hideously bushy eyebrows waxed (seven dolla, made me hollain pain).
Her party on Saturday went well though the words of my Grandma Schorer kept ringing in my head, "always keep house as if you're expecting company." Getting the apartment clean and decorated was uber-stressful. People seemed to enjoy themselves. Persephone must have been a little overwhelmed by all the attention and hubbub because she barely participated in opening her numerous presents, which is most unlike her paper-ripping-fiend self and she was actually dainty with her little cake. We barely even had to wipe her down afterwards! Photos were taken but I've not had time or energy to prep them yet, so they'll have to wait for another day.
Today we took her to the bookstore to buy her, you guessed it, a book. Nursery Rhymes. Mommy was good and didn't buy herself a thing. Then we hit the craft store (craft stores in New Jersey SUCK), where my super-shopper mother couldn't even find a single item she wanted to buy.
Now baby and Grandmother are peacefully sleeping. Daddy is munching on chips and Mommy is about ready to pass out.
Oh, one thing did happen Friday morning that could spell very good news for the family. That college called! They're flying Joe down to New Orleans for an interview on the 6th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a position they've opened up months early because they liked his resume.
Fingers are crossed.
Toes are crossed.
This would be perfect. Good school at HOME and a position where Joe could really shine.
If you think of it, please cross things for us!
That's great, great news, and I hope the resulting decision is even better!
Everything I can cross is crossed for Joe and your family.
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East Windsor
What the--?
He was on an Egyptian guy's blog harassing him and ranting about nuking Mecca etc... and I commented on his hateful spewings. so now the idiot's all over my blog.
Like I said in the other post, it must be very sad to be this "person."
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