
It's silly but I've always hated the things. They take so long to grow out and always look like crap while you're doing so.
Anyway, Persephone tore out so much of the hair around my face that Bangs were nessessary.
We have a new landlord...

...and he wants to keep us!
Oh and I'm working on some grant applications to try to get some money to rebuild our house. Fingers crossed there.
Joe still doesn't have a job and we're still almost out of money but I'm going ot sell all of Persephone's out-grown baby things and we're hitting this massive factory sale thing this weekend to get some things to sell on eBay.
Maybe if I get the time to start working on my Voodoo dolls again, I can make enough money to make things a bit less terrifying!
Oh and the new landlord?
His father grew up with Joe's father.
He just gat back from living in Austin for 9 years.
and he has a three legged dog...