Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"happy" anniversary

One year ago today, I lost my home.
One year ago today, I lost my community.
One year ago today, I lost my friends.
One year ago today, I lost everything I ever owned.
One year ago today, I lost all trust and respect I had for my mother.
One year ago today, I lost all control over my life.

One year ago today, none of this would have happened if the Army Corps of Engineers knew how to build a levee.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

What to do?

My bowienet friend of many years, Diane, has cancer. A type of bone cancer almost always associated with young children and teens. It's bad. More so because they don't really have an adult treatment for it, so they just had to up the kids chemo doses to the amount they think might work with her without killing her.
She's in the hospital. I want to send her something to take her mind off the pain and sickness.