It's very strange

I can feel the Goo kicking. My belly is distended. I have untrasound photos.
Why is it, on an emotional level, that I just don't feel like I'm going to have a baby? It's not like this is unplanned.
This can't be natural. I should be feeling maternal by now. Hell, it's kicking as I type this. nifty sensation, but makes it no more real to me.
Am I going to be one of those mothers that never loves their children?
Poor Goo!
The nerve!

Recieved a PM from one of the nastiest bowienetters out there stating that I'd unfairly said something cruel about her in James' comments. She went so far as to say that she'd never been anything but nice to me.
HA! She's never said anything to or about me that wasn't pure venom.
Bitch can dish it out but can't take it.
Effing morons shouldn't be allowed to even have pets!

I've lost all patience with some of the people in these cat groups who seem to think that asking a group of non-veterinary professional strangers about their cats' symptoms is preferable to taking them to the vet.
Some examples of the idiocy:
My cat has blood in his urine, what should I do?My cat is listless and refuses to eat, what should I do?
My cat has pus in her eyes and is having difficulty breathing, what should I do?
I ran my cat over with my bike last night (this one's from today) and I'm worried I might have hurt him, what should I do?Every time I suggest that asking veterinary advice on a livejournal message board instead of taking the cat to a vet is not the best way to go about taking care of a possibly seriously ill animal, these jackholes act like I just attacked them personally!
Well, I'm done being polite with them. They're idiots who would not only not be allowed to care for an animal, they should be sterilized so as not to spread their dangerous stupidity to a new generation!
The one and only thing I like about being pregnant is having the Goo kick and move around in there. It is a feeling unlike anything I've ever experienced and that I can't even begin to describe.
I only wish it wouldn't stop moving every time Joe tries to give it a feel!
BBQ'd at Mary and Jeremy's with Adam and Zoe. I don't know what it is about those two, but Adam and Zoe are the only ones among us who can BBQ without burning things to a crisp.
Mary's potato salad was a delight.
I won't be seeing the gang until this weekend as seven is in town and that would awkward at best.
I find it shocking that certain racist stereotypes are considered perfectly acceptable while others are objectionable. If it's socially acceptable to make racist, stereotypical jokes about one religion, they should ALL be fair game.
Canada's released one of it's most notorious serial killers. I wonder how long it will take for young teen girls to start disappearing from whatever part of Qubec "Barbie" is settling in.
Joe's excited
We set out too late to hit any real garage sales, but Joe still scored a nice clock for the new house.
He's geeked.
I didn't want to go to the doctor for a reason

I got a HUGE list of nos yesterday. No healthy food that I actualy like (bacterial issues) and no sex. NO SEX.
NO SEX NO SEX!!!To make matters more fun, it doesn't look like the effing placenta (reason for the no sex rule) is going to move up enough to avoid c-section. Yay. A week in the hospital. I've never so much as had my wisdom teeth out and I'm going to have my uterus out and back in?
Then we were supposed to go see Land of the Dead but the theater near the doctor didn't have it, so we saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith instead. I stillwish I'd seen Land, but ...Smith was hilarious and charming.