Doctor Day

Actually it's nurse practitioner day. I don't know why but I reeeealy don't feel like making this appointment. Not that I have a choice, but I'd much rather stay home. I don't even think they're going to be doing anything. My next ultrasound isn't until next month (where we while hopefully not only discover the Goo's gender but also that the placenta has moved to the top of the uterus).
It might be because I've run out of my welbutrin and haven't been able to get it refilled, but I've been feeling really depressed lately.
Since we're closing on the house in two weeks, shouldn't I be in a great mood?

I just found out that we close on the house on the 13th!!!!!
Homeowners and parents. Talk about growing up all at once!

Why does my profile keep saying I only have two posts? I've made more than that!
I really need to pack. We have to be out of here by August first, so that they can tear out the back and gut the apartment. I hope, I hope, I hope we're able to get our house habitable by then. Shit, it's not even officially
our house yet. We still have to get some work done so we can have an inspection and close on the place so we can get more work done so we can move in.
On the less frustraing side of things, Mary and Jeremy are moving two blocks away! Mary's evil twin, Dicky, convinced their father to sell her house (she co-ownes with them), so she's decided to but a co-worker's house right by our new digs. I'll be able to just walk over there to hang out and use the pool! We should be moving into the neighborhood around the same time. Very exciting, assuming our place is ready before we're kicked out of this place.
Iris has been very clingy lately. If I spend more than a minute sitting somewhere, she's lying either on or next to me. Can't say I don't enjoy it.
I love Joe and I love my mom. I'm just relieved that my mother, unlike Joe, realizes that it would be a very bad idea for her to move in with us. I'm just as desperate as Joe to get her down here and away from the asshole in Tennessee, but in
her own place. If she lived with us, it'd be a war-zone!
I don't know how we managed this but we forgot about an entire bedroom at the house. I swear we all, realtor included, thought it was a three bedroom. I don't know if it was mass hypnosis or something in the bottled water we've all been drinking, but three visits to the place and we kept forgetting about bedroom number four, off the Laundry room. From here on in, it is to be known as "Adrienne's studio and Hatian Vodou altar room." YAY. I don't have to put my studio in the room our mothers will be taking turns sleeping in. As of yesterdays inspection (inspection number two of four needed to get utilities turned on so we can have our own inspection), we don't need any plumbing or gas work but do need about $1000 worth or electrical. I just can't wait to get this crap done so we can sign the closing papers and start gutting the place. Cheap linoleum in the den and hideous, multicolor BRIGHT sculpted carpet everywhere else makes me glad that the previous owners let their very large dog's urine mold over the entire place. Otherwise, we might be tempted to live with the ugliness until we "can afford" something nicer. Seriously, I know I have strange taste in color but lime green and baby blue cloud patterned carpet? Who even makes such a thing?The big back yard with covered patio (complete with ceiling fans) is still crying out to host a BBQ and we can't wait to oblige. Oh and the gas fireplace is going to be so nice, all lit up on the Goo's first Christmas (s/he will be about a month old). When the Goo's older, there are some lovely wooded areas right by the place for her/him to have all sorts of adventures with his/her friends.We never imagined we'd be able to have such a large, nice house as our first!
Five things meme By
docbrite5 things you feel right now:
1. groggy
2. excited
3. flattered (by an email I received this morning)
4. hungry
5. impatient
Last 5 things you bought:
1. strawberries
2. a back scrubber
3. a Janet Evonovich novel
4. a flea brush
5. hair color
5 objects of lust:
1. birkenstock mary janes
2. the Bauhaus jacket
3. pergo
4. furniture5
. broadband
5 things in your pockets or purse:
1. a hairbrush
2. two free movie passes
3. a lighter
4. my wallet
5. a mini-stapler
5 things you collect:
1. rocks
2. books
3. pinbacks
4. art supplies
5. beads
5 true statements you can make that most people can't:
1. I make Voodoo dolls
2. Iggy Pop licked my hand
3. now that I'm pregnant, my belly matches my husband's
4. I consider Detroit a wonderful and exciting vacation destination
5. I've fed, played with and cuddled a tiger
Maggie and Mary have informed me that my baby party (the guys insist it not be called a shower) is going to be October 22nd. The day after my fifth wedding anniversary and two days after Maggie's third. Paul (Maggie's husband) is coming down with her so they can make it a romantic anniversary weekend. There's some talk of drinking games and sex dolls filled with beer at the thing. I'm a little concerned.My mother-in-law will be there. With beer-filled sex-dolls? I'm more than a little concerned.
So, St. Bernard Parish requires that Licensed (with the Parish) plumber and electrician inspect the property before two city inspectors inspect it to have electric, gas and water turned on for inspection. No, this is not crazed rambling. This is a $150 inspection turned into a $1000+ buracratic ordeal.
I'd always heard that buying a home is stressful but I really had NO FUCKING IDEA!!!!!
Back from the house sitting.
Yeah, I miss the fast internet connection and cable. Glad to be home with my fub babiesm though.
Today is Mary's birthday. A fact which I only found out yeaterday. Seeing as it's going to be over a week before we have money again, I don't think Joe and I will be doing much to make the occasion. Breaks my heart since she's always doing so much for other people and deserves something nice today.
Today I have to help Joe find the best insurance rates for the new neighborhood and figure out how to have the utilities turned on in time for inspection Friday morning, without any deposit money. This should be interesting.
Day three of horrible stomach flu. Fortunately my fever appears to be gone now. Even more fortunately, Joe's been here to entertain Adam and Zoe's dogs.
I'm pretty sure that the people across the street from Adam and Zoe are drug dealers. There's at least one person on the porch there 24/7 and they don't let anyone park in front of their house. Oh, and they look like gangsta's.
Don't tell my cats but Voodoo, one of Adam and Zoe's cats, is the most gorgeous cat I know. He has a beautiful face and this great pastel coloring of pale orange with light sage green eyes. He is also a lover. Ivan, the feline recluse, has been letting me pet him a bit. Hunter is psychotic kitten, constantantly attacking limbs and thinking she's a dog. The dogs ADORE her.
Joe brought me a change of clothes today, so I can shower and burn this hideous dress. As nice as their house and pets are, I can't wait to go back to our shithole and hoodlums. If for no other reason than to get some packing done for the new place.
I will miss the satelite TV, though.
James, if you're reading this please leave a comment. Spike took the link to your blog down and, like the idiot I am, I didn't bookmark it!
Some people live by the law of good luck. Others, the law of realistic cause and effect. Me, I live by the law of Murphy. Case in point, I'd been feeling pretty okay for the past couple of weeks. By pretty okay, I mean I wasn't projectile vomiying every five minutes. Today, I star my three and a half days of dog and house sitting for friends while they're in San Francisco for a wedding. As soon as I stepped outside to wait for Adam to pick me up, I started feeling sick. Puked in my back yard a few times then came here. Managed to hold it in while they were getting ready to leave and have been puking my guts (I've only even had WATER today!) out ever since.
At least the dogs (BAyou and Laginappe) are being gentle and understanding.
I have wasted the past three days.
I was supposed to get my truck towed to the shop on MONDAY, but haven't yet because I've been online. I should have done a great deal of packing, but haven't because I'm online.
I'm going to have to make tomorrow an internet free day! At least until Joe gets home from work!
On the plus side, I'm starting to show (like a pregersauraus-rex) and we've definitely got the Warbler house. Not that we'll be able to move with nothing packed and my truck parked on the front lawn of the apartment!
Wow. I'd forgotten I even had this thing!
Let's see. We found out today that we're going to be homeowners. We've bought a hard core fixer-upper in St. Bernard Parish. Poydras, to be exact. Good neighborhood, BIG house!
Oh, why the sudden turn to home ownership? The baby's due November 28th!